Healthcare should be simple, fast and uncomplicated. ReGenesis Health Care powered by HEALOW makes it easy to visit a doctor in minutes through our mobile app, online and by phone. Get access to quality healthcare without ever leaving your home, your job or wherever you are. Unfortunately this visit type cannot be utilized to treat well child checks, sore throat pain, ear pain, or fevers. However, you can book an appointment on our website at or you can contact our office at 864-582-2411, anytime Monday-Friday between 7:30am-5:30pm and we will be happy to assist you. Find out how easy it is to receive affordable, quality care without traveling to the doctor’s office!
ReGenesis Health Care does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, ethnic background, religious beliefs, gender identify, sexual orientation, pregnancy, patient’s inability to pay, or on the basis of disability or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities or employment therein, whether carried out by the organization through a contractor or any other entity with whom the organization arranges to carry out its programs or activities.
Regénesis Health Care no excluye,niega beneficios,o discrimina en contra de persona alguna por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, origen étnico, creencias religiosas, o identidad de género, orientación sexual, embarazo, inabilidad del paciente en pagar, o sobre la base de incapacidad o edad de admisión a, participación en, o recibo de los servicios y beneficios de cualquiera de sus programas y actividades o empleo en esto, ya sea llevado a cabo por la organización a través de un contratista o cualquier otra entidad con quien la organización arregla para llevar a cabo sus programas o actividades.